Weed infestation of winter spelt varieties depending on manure fertilization
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):216-221
The field experiment was carried out in years 2008-2011. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the manure dose on weed infestation of three winter spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) - cultivars: Badengold, Schwabenspelz, Schwabenkorn and one winter common wheat (T. aestivum ssp. vulgare) cultivar Türkis. Manure fertilization levels included: 0 tźha-1; 15 tźha-1; 30 tźha-1. Weed infestation was represented by 16 species, in it 7 in three years of researches. Weed infestation was dominated, analysing the number of weeds by: Apera spica-venti (silky bent grass) and Viola arvensis (wild violet); analysing the fresh mass by: Centaurea cyanus (cornflower) and Papaver rhoeas (corn poppy The results showed that manure fertilization had influence on the weed infestation structure - share of species dominated by fresh mass (C. cyanus, P. rhoeas) increased and share of species dominated by number of weeds (A. spica-venti, Viola arvensis) reduced. Weather conditions in individual years affected intensity of weed infestation. Weather conditions in individual years had influence on the weeds number, most were noted in humid years. Manure fertilization didn't influence on number and biomass of weed infestation on the unit of the area of field. Important differences between wheat and spelt were in number and biomass of weeds. The highest weed infestation was in the common wheat cultivar Türkis in number and biomass of weeds. Differences between spelt cultivars weren't proven statistically.
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