Trends in development of organic farming in Poland - forecasts and factual situation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(3):179-181
Examination of the state of the organic farming in Poland in the period between 1990 and 2005 showed the dynamic development of this form of the management of starting from the turn of the years 1999/2000. During that period, the first grants were paid out to the organic farmers to compensate the costs of checks of their holdings and it was granted aid per hectare to the surface of the crops. Occurring in the years 2000-2005 growth trends reaffirmed the long-term forecast of organic forms development of agricultural production in Poland. This article outlined the results of studies being the continuation of the research carried out in 2005 [1] concerning growth number and size of organic farms taking into account the new data from the period 2006-2011. An analysis of the development trends of listed characteristics is shown against the background of many years' development forecast of organic agricultural production in Poland which was carried out by IBMER in 2005 [2].
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