Selected issues of exploitation of wood machining devices on the example of a chipboard press
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Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Mechaniczny, Katedra Inżynierii Materiałowej i Biomedycznej, ul. Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska, Zakład Inżynierii Rolno-Spożywczej i Leśnej, ul. Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):180-185
The paper presents selected results of performance tests of working elements of a wood machining device. The focus was on operational durability of its working elements. In order to assess the condition of these elements, tests of mechanical properties, the chemical composition of the operational surface layer, and microscope observations of selected areas were carried out, as well as evaluation of lubricating properties of lubricants for the working elements of the device. Diverse mechanical properties, diverse wear patterns, and physiochemical changes of surface layers of the elements were noted. A significant impact of the lubricants on the observed phenomena was stated. Due to industrial secret, the name and type of the tested machines were hidden.
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