Root system development of maize "stay-green" type in conditions of differentiated mineral fertilization
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(4):139-141
Pot experiment was carried out in the Department of Agronomy, University of Life Sciences in Poznań. Two maize fertilization methods were analyzed; without mineral fertilization and with the use of NPK fertilization. Furthermore, in the NPK fertilization, was applied together with kieserite which is permitted to be used in ecological agriculture. The effect of this method on the development of the root system of "stay-green" maize hybrid in the phase of BBCH 89 was studied. Significantly the highest fresh matter, dry matter, root system volume in a single plant and the highest dry matter content in the roots was obtained in the object, where NPK + kieserite > NPK > zero NPK was applied.
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