Evaluation of yielding, nutrient status and efficiency of nutrient uptake by selected modern and old winter wheat cultivars in organic crop production system
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(4):106-119
Evaluation of yielding, nutrient status and efficiency of nutrient uptake by selected modern and old winter wheat cultivars in organic crop production system was the aim of the research. The research was based on a special field experiment established in 1994 at the Experimental Station in Osiny on a grey-brown podzolic soil in which different crop production systems (organic, integrated and conventional) are compared. The research was conducted in 2005-2007 on the field of winter wheat in the organic system. Six different cultivars of common winter wheat (Mewa, Roma, Kobra, Sukces, Zyta and Korwetta) and one cultivar of spelt winter wheat (Schwabenkorn) were compared. Moreover 3 old cultivars of winter wheat were taken into account: Wysokolitewka Sztywnosłoma, Kujawianka Więcławicka, Ostka Kazimierska. The largest and the most stable grain yields of winter wheat were noted for modern cultivars. Among them Zyta (4.36 t/ha), Sukces and Roma (4.05 t/ha) gave the largest yields. Old winter wheat cultivars yielded on the level of about 1,5 t less in comparison to modern ones. The results of the research showed that modern, quality cultivars Zyta and Sukces, as well as husky cultivar Mewa are better adapted for organic farming than old ones. Old cultivars are worse adapted, because they give smaller yields and their leaves are more infested by fungal pathogens. An important criteria of cultivar seleetion for organic farming should be firstly high resistance on fungal pathogens and secondly ability to effective uptake of nutrients and their distribution to generative parts of plant.
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