Weed infestation of sorghum cultivated in organic farming
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):109-115
In the years 20010-2011 the study was carried out which aimed to evaluate the level of weed infestation of sorghum cultivated in organic farming depending on natural fertilization (20 and 40 t composted manure per 1 ha) and cultivation method: A - control object (without weed control), B - brush weeder (three times during the vegetation season), C - weeding hoe (three times during the season), D - brush weeder (two times during the season) and hiller. The study was conducted at the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - Agricultural Experimental Station Grabow (Mazowieckie Voivodeship). The qualitative and quantitative analysis of weed infestation were done. Biomass ratio was also calculated and the relationship between sorghum yield and weed control at different cultivation method. The study showed that the largest weed infestation was on control objects whereas the mechanical cultivation of maize has contributed to significant reduction of number and weight of weeds. The smallest number of weeds was recorded on the object cultivated by brush weeder and hiller. This method of mechanic cultivation of sorghum allowed destruction of weeds mass by about 89%, which should be considered as an effective method of weed control in organic farming conditions. The dose of organic fertilization didn't influence the number and composition of weed species.
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