Neural network development for automatic identification of the endpoint of drying barley in bulk
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(1):26-31
A thesis was proved that it is possible an automatic endpoint determination of drying barley in bulk, 1.2 meter's deep, based on a neural network, using a continuous on-line measurement of atmospheric air temperature and relative humidity, plenum air temperature and grain temperature in selected locations inside the bed - in situations in which drying air temperature and relative humidity change stochastically. The usefulness of individual input variables characterising the process as well as their influence on the quality of the obtained model were analysed. Several different topologies of the developed models were compared and the RBF type networks were selected as the best ones. The developed networks are characterised by a high, ranging from 93.3 to 99.6%, correctness of case assignment to the recognised classes in the course of the identification process and a high capability to generalise the analysed data.
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