Evaluation of the surface layer mikrostructure of high carbon alloy steel after laser modification
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Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów Samochodowych, ul. Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(1):61-65
This paper refers to surface layer microstructure of high carbon steel strengthened by laser heat treatment. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of the laser heat treatment conditions on microstructure and hardness of the surface layer of high carbon alloy steel. Laser modification consist in alloying the surface layer with boron. Molecular CO2 continuous Triumph laser type 7/)Wwith 2,6 kW output power and TEM0,1 mode was used. Laser beam power density from 160 to 900 W/mm2 and laser beam velocity from 4,5 to 22,7 mm/s were applied during treatment. The research results allow to state, that boron average atomic concentration in the alloyed zone was 13% and did not exceed 20%. Nevertheless, it is enough for appearing the eutectic mixture (α+Fe2B). The alloyed zone was almost entirely homogenous and very fine-crystalline, especially near the surface. Areas with dendritic microstructure were found also. The thickness of the alloyed zone increased from 0,15 to 0,4 mm with increasing laser beam power density from 160 to 850 W/mm2 and decreased from 0,25 to 0,1 mm with increasing laser beam velocity from 4,5 to 22,7 mm/s. The average hardness of alloyed zone was in range of: 1100÷1600 HV 65. The average hardness of the hardened zone from the solid state did not exceed 1000 HV 65. The strengthen of alloyed (boronized) zone by the hardened zone from the solid state in the surface layer of high carbon alloy steel was observed to approx. 1 mm from surface. Existence of the hardened zone from the solid state after laser boronizing (as opposite to diffusion boronizing) should favor gentle changes of the internal stresses in the cross section of the surface layer of treated steel, which has a great importance in case of durability and reliability of the particular machine part.
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