Onions are one of the most popular cultivated vegetables. In Europe, Poland is a leading producer of this vegetable and a hub where it is peeled and then sent in peeled or chopped form to western EU countries. After the top and root removal process, husks remain that require further manage-ment. It is also crucial to minimise their amount by applying appropriate topping and tailing processes in industrial machines. This is done in order to help prevent food waste and reduce the amount of waste generated. The article presents methods of cleaning onions in terms of cutting off the roots and green parts of the vegetable, focusing on the amount of waste generated in this process. The authors present examples of possible solutions for the cutting process and compare them in terms of the theoretical waste they generate, to identify the method with the greatest raw material savings. Additionally, the article presents the results of theoretical studies on the waste generated by the selected method, considering its various geometric variables. An analysis of the results is made and conclusions are drawn.
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